What Is It That We Are So Afraid Of?

In a short one-day break from my series on the rich, wonderful world of the transformative power of shame, I wanted to just throw a question out the blogosphere; in particular, the portion of the blogosphere readers that concern themselves with matters spiritual,...

Original Sin…Did It Really Begin With That?

INTROTwo days ago, I began what will be a series of posts to the blog meant to explore and share my life's stories (or at least some particular ones), in the hopes that they will provide illumination and healing to any shame I still carry, as well as offering...

…Let The Adventure Begin

"You teach what you most need to learn." That old chestnut has been a perennial mantra that has often come back around into my consciousness.  For the last 14 years, I have been working with people in healing their wounds…emotional wounds,...

Here We Go (Take Two)…New blog host

Note to my readers: This post was actually put up on a different blog hosting site that I have decided to switch from to go to TypePad.  My apologies for any confusion.Well, I've finally gone and done it. I'm officially entering into the blogosphere,...