Radio Free Spirit Presents: Going Beyond the Upper Limits with Scout Wilkins

Join your host Geoff Laughton as he talks with Scout Wilkins. Do you ever feel like a fraud? When people compliment you, or call you courageous, do you think – “Oh, if they only knew! There’s so much more I really want to do.” Are you frustrating yourself by not going full out toward what REALLY matters? Do you ever sense that you are actually sabotaging yourself as you get close to breaking through? What if you could get past your fears and doubts, and start making your dream happen in a BIG way? Come on this call and find out what is really possible. This is a conversation about upper limits – those boundaries that we run up against when we’re pushing against our fears and doubts. When you are reaching into the places that scare you, that challenge you, and that press you to either give up or dig deeper, you are hitting the limits of how big your inner being is willing to let you be in the world. You can stretch those limits, simply and quickly. It starts with a new awareness, and I am offering that on my show next week. Join me as I interview Scout Wilkins, my colleague and friend. We’ll be talking about how we hold ourselves back from what our hearts are aching to do – and what we can do about it. ~ Learn the one mindset piece that will shift everything. ~ Discover exactly how you create the results you are getting in life – and how to create better ones. ~ Reset your courage and determination to follow your dreams. If you have hit the point in life where you recognize that the challenge to make things different lies INSIDE you, not “out there” somewhere, come on this call. Learn how it works, how to make it different, get inspired, and DO it!