Where Does It Hurt?

I’ve learned that one of the most difficult parts of healing emotional pain is telling ourselves the truth that we have it…which is much easier to do when you know you’re in it.  The problem is that many people have no idea that they’re in pain; largely, this is due to the fact that we get so used to suffering that we lose our clarity on our own distinction of what’s pain and what’s business as usual.

So, I thought I’d just offer up some symptoms that indicate you’re in emotional pain that’s coming up for you to be able to heal it by feeling it:

  • You’re in physical pain for no apparent reason
  • You lose your compassion for others
  • You go hours at a time without noticing that you’re breathing shallowly more often than not
  • Your physical universe contracts (e.g., everything feels like it’s hard (and is), money suddenly gets tight, things appear to “get taken” from you)
  • You abandon and/or get sloppy with your Spiritual practices
  • You feel depressed most of the time, suddenly and without any obvious thing about which to be depressed
  • You feel in constant overwhelm
  • You get introverted & isolate yourself
  • You have frequent inexplicable irritation
  • You feel victimized by life and even your best friends (they’re always wrong & you’re always right is a symptom of this)
  • You get forgetful when you usually have a mind like a steel trap
  • You’re not feeling anything